Young Adults

At Crossway, Young Adults are invited into a community focused on encouragement and growth. Join us as we practice the way of Jesus together.

Young adults juggle various responsibilities and face very real challenges in this complex and dynamic stage of life. The Young Adult Ministry exists to counter the isolation and anxiety that comes with this season of change.

Whether you are stepping into life on your own, beginning your professional journey, making your own home, or just asking “What am I supposed to do with my life,” we invite you to enter into community with us—other young adults on a similar path—as we practice the way of Jesus together.

The Ways We Grow Together


From potlucks and bonfires to worship nights and weekend retreats, we gather as an entire Young Adults ministry to meet new people and grow in community with each other. If you are new to Crossway or curious about church, these are a great opportunity to connect with others in a similar stage of life as you. Check out the Young Adults events below to join us for our next gathering!

Small Groups

Our dedicated Young Adult small groups provide a weekly touch point in our busy lives to learn more about God and practice the way of Jesus together. We have new small groups every few months on topics chosen to resonate with the challenges and questions Young Adults face.

Life Groups

If you are already plugged in and looking to dive deeper into practicing discipleship, we encourage you to form a Life Group! Life Groups provide an essential environment for every believer to have intimate friendships, accountability, and most importantly, a life rooted deeply in God. Learn more about what a Life Group looks like, and how to start one:

Anson Thibault

Young Adult Pastor
Anson grew up in southeastern New Hampshire in Durham, home to the University of New Hampshire.  There he fell in love with Jesus, New Hampshire culture, and landscape.  He felt led to get his degree in Biblical Studies and graduated from Liberty University in 2021.  Anson met his wife Cassidy at Crossway in 2021, and they got married in June of 2023! They love serving within the church together, hiking and going on coffee shop dates.  Anson loves sports and most of the time can be found watching, following, playing, or talking about sports. In his spare time, Anson loves spending time with people, learning, watching tv and listening to music.  Anson would love to connect, or play a sport, so don't hesitate to reach out!

Contact Us

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Young Adult Events

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